Insert machine functions


Use Docker > Stitch List to toggle Stitch List display on/off. Use it to insert machine functions directly into the stitching sequence.


Click Function > Insert Function to insert machine function at current stitch cursor position.

You can insert machine functions manually by means of the Insert Function dialog. Depending on your machine’s requirements, you will either add the function to the current stitch, or insert it on an empty stitch or empty jump. For some machines you will also need to add empty stitches or empty jumps on either side of some functions. See your machine manual for details.

Caution: When you insert machine functions manually, you must maintain them manually. For this reason, only insert manual functions if they cannot be added automatically.

To insert machine functions...



Alternatively, click the Insert Function icon or select Function > Insert Function.



Tip: It is faster to digitize individual jumps – Jump(M) – by right-clicking with the Manual input method selected. If you want the whole object to consist of jumps, deselect the Penetrations icon.

Depending on your machine, you may need to insert additional empty stitches or empty jumps before or after the selected function. For example, before a particular Stop function, you may need to insert a number of empty jumps. See your machine manual for details.

Click Insert Before if you need the empty stitch/jump to precede the selected function.





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