Apply baselines


Right-click Toolbox > Lettering to select baselines and adjust baseline settings.

With the exception of Free Line and Free Line Vertical, baselines allow you to set the final length of the finished lettering. Once you have placed a baseline, EmbroideryStudio attempts to fit all the letters without altering baseline length. EmbroideryStudio gives you interactive and numeric control over many baseline settings.

To apply a baseline...



Fixed Line baselines allow you to set the final length of the finished lettering. Free Line baselines expand to fit the letters you enter.



With vertical baselines, line spacing is calculated horizontally while letter spacing is calculated vertically. Letters, by default, are centered along vertical lines. New lines are placed by default from right to left to suit Asian languages. For Western languages, vertical lettering is best suited to uppercase because descenders in lowercase letters are not accommodated in the letter spacing.



Depending on the order in which you mark the reference points, the text will be placed left to right, or right to left.



Tip: Adjust circle and arc baseline settings for more precise numeric control over radius (X and Y), as well as tilt, justification, and arc angles.



Tip: If the baseline has tight curves, or sharp corners, letters may overlap. For best results, only mark curve points and digitize lines which have shallow, gentle curves.



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