Stitch length

Stitch length has more of an effect on chain stitching. This value determines the size of chain. The larger the value, the larger the pattern. It also affects loop height though for moss stitching though it is easier and more accurate to adjust needle height.

Stitch length should be constant for the same thread type throughout a design. If stitch length varies, the height of moss loops and width of chain loops will also vary, causing uneven embroidery.

Select a stitch length for a design according to yarn thickness, fabric thickness, and required density. Using inappropriate stitch length may cause yarn breakage, needle breakage, or damage to the fabric.

If the yarns in use are of the same type, the lengths of chain and moss stitch are different. The following table gives an indication of appropriate values.

Thread type

Rayon 300d/2P

Miki wool

Woolly yarn

Cotton thread #12

Softaine G

Chain stitch length

2.0-3.0 mm

2.5-3.5 mm

1.8-2.2 mm



Moss stitch length

1.5-1.7 mm

2.0-2.2 mm




Moss stitch spacing






Tip: These values may vary depending on the fabric used. When you use a new thread and fabric combination, sew a test design first using the above values as an initial guide.