Customize digitizing tablet formats

If the digitizing tablet format you require is not preset in EmbroideryStudio, you can create a new format, or modify an existing format to match the output of your tablet. Before starting, review the digitizing tablet documentation.

Caution: This functionality is provided for advanced users with knowledge of the data protocols supported by their digitizing tablet. Only use it if your digitizing tablet does not work with any existing formats.

To customize a digitizing tablet format...

1Access the Digitizer Setup dialog.



2In the Format panel:



3In the Format Name field, enter a name for the new or modified format.

4In the Format String field, enter the format string your digitizing tablet outputs.

Obtain this information from the digitizing tablet documentation.

5In the Scale field, enter the scale at which you are digitizing. For example, a scale of 3.0 means your on-screen design will be one third the size you digitize on the tablet.

6Click OK.

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