Automatic trim settings


Use Docker > Object Properties to toggle the Object Properties docker on/off.

You can choose to turn off automatic trimming, to always trim connecting stitches, or to trim only when the connecting stitch is longer than a specified value.

To adjust automatic trim settings...

1Click the Object Properties icon and select the Connectors tab.



2In the Trim After panel, select a trim option:




No trims are inserted. This feature is useful if trimming causes your machine to slow down, or the needle to lose the thread. You can either add trim functions yourself, or trim the final embroidery by hand.

Always trim

Trims are inserted after the object.

Trim if next connector >

Trims are inserted if connectors exceed the specified length.

Tip: Usually, connectors shorter than 3 mm are not visible on the final embroidery. You may sometimes require a smaller value – e.g. if the thread color contrasts with the background color.