Report types

In addition to production worksheets, EmbroideryStudio provides a number of predefined report types including approval sheets, production summaries, color films, and appliqué patterns.



Report types include:

Report type


Approval sheet

This is intended for the customer, not production staff. Customers can see what they are ordering and approve accordingly.

Production worksheet

This is intended for production staff. All production-related information, such as bobbin length, design size, garment fabric, etc, is provided.

Production summary

This provides two summary tables of the design and associated colorways – a Colorway Summary together with a Design Summary.

Appliqué patterns

This shows appliqué patterns – cutter information – isolated from the design. This tells the operator which appliqué pieces are to be included.

Color films

This report type lets you print color blocks in the design as they appear in the Color-Object List. This allows production staff to see each stitch color in order of stitchout. Separate color films are printed for selected colorways on the last page of the worksheet.



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