Asset locations

Pre-packaged assets, or asset samples that are installed with the software, include designs, custom fabrics, templates, motifs, borders, fonts, monograms, and more. These assets are stored in dedicated folders. In EmbroideryStudio, asset file locations divide into two broad categories – program data and user data.

Note: Some data folders will only be created when the software is opened for the first time after restarting your system.

Embroidery files

Embroidery data includes any design or machine files. Theoretically, this data can be stored anywhere on your network. By default, it is installed here...

C:\Users\Public\Public Embroidery\EmbroideryStudio\

Files are then classified into the following sub-folders...

Custom asset


File types

Embroidery designs


*.EMB, *.ART, *.JAN, etc

Machine files

..\Machine Files

*.DST, *.U??, *.TAP, etc

Monogram templates

..\EmbroideryStudio e4\Monogram Template Designs\Custom


Teamname teams

..\EmbroideryStudio e4\Teamname Teams


Teamname templates

..\EmbroideryStudio e4\Teamname Template Designs\Custom


Image files

Image data includes any artwork files in both bitmap and vector formats. Theoretically, this data can be stored anywhere on your network. Sample artwork can be found here...

C:\Users\Public\Public Embroidery\EmbroideryStudio\Graphics

Asset files

Asset files which are installed with the software include fonts, hoops, motifs, fabrics, and others outlined below. This data is installed by default to this folder...

C:\Program Files\Wilcom\EmbroideryStudio\Digital Edition\26\..

Asset files are then located in the following sub-folders...

Custom asset


File types




Auto fabrics



Backup files






Carving stamps











*.EMB, *.PNG

Machine formats






Product backdrops



Program splits



Recovery files









Thread charts



During normal use, you may create your own fonts, hoops, motifs, fabrics, and other custom assets. This data is installed in this folder...


Product backdrops

EmbroideryStudio allows you to choose a garment or product backdrop on which to position decorations. The Product Visualizer tool lets you display design location, size and overall appearance for visualization and customer approval purposes. Product backdrops are PNG artwork files but they are considered ‘program data’. They are located here...

C:\Program Files\Wilcom\EmbroideryStudio\Digital Edition\26\Products

Tip: You can add your own single-color and multi-color product templates to the software. See Product Backdrops for details.