Operations summary

Here are some steps to get you up-and-running quickly with the lettering kiosk.

Configure the kiosk settings

1Run the EmbroideryStudio software:

2Configure the kiosk design layouts:

C:\Program Files\Wilcom\EmbroideryStudio Digital Edition\26\Kiosk\Designs

3Configure the machine connections for the kiosk:

4Configure the kiosk password:

5Configure character count limits. See Configure kiosk character count limits for details.

Switch to and from kiosk mode

1To switch to kiosk mode, select menu command Window > Kiosk…

2Type the kiosk password to enter into kiosk mode.

3To close the application while in kiosk mode, click on the red X button in upper right corner.

When you restart EmbroideryStudio, it will automatically re-start in kiosk mode directly.

4To return to the EmbroideryStudio screen, click Exit Kiosk and key in the password if prompted.

Operate the software in kiosk mode

1Select a layout from the design chooser.

2Key in a name. Lettering adjusts to fit the allowed space. By default, a maximum of 16 characters is allowed. See Configure kiosk character count limits for details.

3Change fonts by selecting a different design layout.

4Select a thread color.

5When finished, click a button to send the design to the machine:

6Click Start Again for the next name.