Edit kerning values


Use Reshape > Reshape Object to reshape selected objects, edit stitch angles, and adjust entry/exit points.

You have created a lettering object which has Auto Kerning toggled on. Use this procedure to update kerning settings for contiguous pairs of letters.

To edit kerning values...

1Select a lettering object with automatic kerning and click the Reshape icon.



2Click the diamond control point in the center of the letter.

3Drag selected letter/s along the baseline or use arrow keys to adjust the spacing. Alternatively, to move multiple letters, right-click the diamond control point of the first letter and drag. All letters to the end of the line move as one.

4Repeat as many times as necessary to fine-tune all letter spacings in the object.

5Select one or more blocks of contiguous letters by Ctrl-clicking their diamond control points or dragging a selection box around them.



6Select Object > Update Kerning Settings. The operation will affect letter spacing of all new lettering objects.

7Click OK.

A new kerning value is generated for each contiguous pair of letters, and written to the associated kerning table.

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