Create & save motifs

The Create Motif function lets you save your own motifs for future use. Custom motifs are saved in custom ‘motif sets’.

To create and save a motif...

1Create or choose the object you want to save as a motif. This may be an outline or a filled object.



2Adjust stitch angles as required, and turn off any underlays.

3Scale to a suitable nominal size for practical use – e.g. 5-10 mm. Bear in mind that motif size can be adjusted within the run or fill.

4Duplicate and align the motif as you want it to appear in a motif run. Use Alignment tools for precise arrangement.



5Once you have determined the layout, select objects and apply Closest Join. Use the middle motif to determine reference points.



6Select the motif and choose Object > Create Motif.



7Select a custom motif set from the droplist and enter a name in the Motif Name field.



8Choose how to handle any included machine functions:

9Click OK.

10Click two reference points for the motif. These should coincide with entry and exit points.





11Click OK. The motif is ready for use. Check to make sure connectors align with the direction of travel.
