Assign thread colors


Use Color > Threads to search for and match threads from different charts, and assign for use.


Use Color > Add Color to add a new color slot to the color palette.


Use Color > Colorway Editor to assign thread colors to slots in the color palette.


Use Threads > Select Thread Charts to select the thread chart/s you currently have available for use.


Use Threads > Assign Thread to assign selected thread to the highlighted color in the current colorway.


Use Threads > Match All to match threads from the current chart/s to all color slots in the current colorway.

The supplied charts represent the brands of threads that EmbroideryStudio supports. Each chart includes a range of thread colors together with code, brand and description. You can search for a thread by code or description and assign it to a selected design color slot. Alternatively, let the software match design colors to threads in the current thread chart/s.

To assign thread colors...







Note: The Remove Unused Colors tool is disabled for machine formats that use needle addressing – i.e. that have Color Change set as Needle No in the Machine Format Settings dialog.